The ancient city Ogmat

This city is located archaeological collecting Ogmat at a distance of 30 km of Marrakech on the road leading to Oorikh and is accessed via the unpaved kilometers through.

The city of Ogmat archaeological of the most important Islamic world countries during the Middle Ages up: Ed described by geographers as a base Adrisah thriving: During the century atheist Twelve: he described the geographical Abu Abdullah al-Bakri said, and the city of Ogmat cities Shlitan one called Ogmat Ilan and the other called Ogmat and Rakh and the housing boss and the home of merchants and strangers and Ogmat Ilan country inhabited by tribes Msamudh in the palaces and villas and the University of markets.

Due to its outstanding capital of the Emirate of Mgraoh and its leader, the forces of the son of Joseph settled stationed during their advance towards the northern areas did not Abrahoha only after the Tak a decision to build the city of Marrakech 1062 m and at the time of Joseph, son of Yasin Atkhaddt Ogmat home to stay and denied the Kings Ataiwashv after the unification of the country Alandls private accredited Ibn Abbad King Seville and Abdullah bin costume king of Granada.

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