Qarwiyine mosque

Among the most prominent is famous for its city of Fez collector villagers which was built in 857 AD, at the hands of Fatima or boys Fihria, which is said to be endowed with all his successors to build the mosque, before working people of the city and the rulers of Morocco, throughout history, to expand the mosque and the restoration and doits affairs. The minaret mosque, the oldest lighthouse square in the Maghreb, as is the University of the villagers, which was built as an educational subsidiary of the Mosque of the villagers, the oldest university in the world, where he graduated and studied by many scholars and thinkers, like Maimonides, and Ibn al-Banna Marrakech, and Ibn al-Arabi , Ibn Rushd, Al Idrisi, Ibn Zahr, and son Agrom. Therefore famous Fez as a scientific and spiritual capital of Morocco, and formed, over its history, scientific and religious center in North and West Africa.

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